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The 410 Bridge Wine to Water Fundraiser - Expired Event

Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023
Time: 6:00-8:00
Price: $75.00   Sold Out!
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Bringing Light to the Global Water Crisis

Thank you for helping us bring light to the global water crisis. For 17 years 410 Bridge has been engaging with communities around the world in sustainable community development, one of our biggest and most important initiatives is getting water to the 56 communities we are working “with” not “for”. To-date, we have impacted over 240,000 people by providing safe and sustainable sources of water to families in need, but the need still exists!

We want you to join us and help bring safe drinking water to more communities around the world.

We will taste 5 incredible wines with some interesting history, enjoy an assortment of hors d’oeures, and build community.